Events Tiffany Skinner Events Tiffany Skinner

The City Fields Fall Fest 5k and Fun Run

Fall means shorter days, pumpkin spice, changing leaves and… festivals! As a runner, we love when these festivals include a quality race component like City Fields’ upcoming Fall Fest 5k and Fun Run. We especially love it when the 5k course takes us through parts of Cleveland we don’t normally run; we get even more excited when we trust the organization involved, knowing that our participation matters. All of these components come together in City Fields' upcoming fundraiser and race on September 28th. To learn more we connected with City Fields Community Engagement Coordinator, Kyle Stokes, to learn more about the race, City Fields and what runners can expect.

Kyle, can you tell us a little bit about yourself and how you got involved with City Fields?

I grew up on the north side of Cleveland and remember watching that side of town grow, develop, and change in real time. I moved away for college and seminary where, among other things, I learned about place-based development organizations. One organization in Atlanta, which is where I went to seminary, is called Focused Community Strategies, and I didn't know at the time that they were starting to consult with a new place-based development organization in my hometown - City Fields. I began to learn about the different trajectories of different parts of Cleveland over the last several decades and the variety of complex reasons why some places seem to flourish while other places seem left behind. When my wife, Kelly, and I moved back to Cleveland, I knew I wanted to get involved in some way with that kind of work. In 2020, after working at Unity Center and while I was working at Broad Street United Methodist Church, I joined City Fields' Board of Directors and then joined the staff this past January. 

For those who don't know, can you tell us about City Fields? What do you all do and how does that impact our community?

City Fields Community Engagement Coordinator, Kyle Stokes, invites you and your family to be a part of the Fall Fest 5k and Fun Run!

City Fields seeks to be a catalyst for change in Cleveland's most overlooked neighborhoods. There's a growing amount of data that shows that the neighborhood you're born into is more predictive than any other factor in your overall future health outcomes - physical health, mental health, economic stability, etc. One response to that circumstance is to encourage people to get out of their neighborhoods. City Fields' response is to listen to the voices of our neighborhoods and come alongside them, working together to create the kind of healthy, flourishing, connected neighborhood we want for any generation to be able to thrive in. Physical Revitalization, Social Revitalization, Leadership Development, Neighborhood Safety, and Economic Development are the five areas, or fields, we look at to discover what is holding communities back, and what opportunities lie untapped for creating a safe, healthy, engaged, and flourishing neighborhood. 

What about the event itself? With a name like Fall Fest, it sounds like a lot more than just a 5k! How did this idea come about and how will it benefit the work you all do?

Yes it is more than just a 5k! And you don't have to participate in the walk/run to enjoy the Fall Fest. All nonprofits try to come up with fundraising strategies every year - some work better than others, and what works for your organization might not work for another. We've never tried a 5k before but what we liked about the 5k idea is that it's not just a random route to raise money. We purposely chose to make the route in one of the neighborhoods we work with, Blythe Oldfield. Blythe Oldfield is so close to Downtown Cleveland and yet feels so far away due the barriers of the railroad tracks and the almost 50 acres of torn down manufacturing site (Magic Chef, Maytag, Whirlpool). This event gives us a chance to raise a little bit of money to continue our work, sure, but more importantly we are inviting Clevelanders on both sides of the tracks to connect with each other in our neighborhood. We are excited to be able to highlight a lot of City Fields' work along the route and show how neighbors who've advocated together for their neighborhood have been able to make a difference. 

The Fall Fest will feature local vendors, a live Bluegrass band, food trucks, a bounce house, and just all around family fun for the afternoon. We hope you're able to join us!

What should runners expect on race day? Where is the race, when does it start, and is there anything else unique about it? 

The race will start at 11am at 1075 Blythe Avenue - the front of the old Blythe Ave School building but runners will want to get there around 10. There are some fun hills along the route so you've still got some time to get some hill training in! Keep up with our Facebook and Instagram for further details as race day approaches. 


The City Fields Fall Festival 5k and Fun Run takes place on September 28th at Blythe Oldfield Park. The race starts at 11am but the festival goes until 3pm! To view the course route, learn more and register, visit the event page located on City Fields website.

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Terra Running Company, Events Brittany Katz Terra Running Company, Events Brittany Katz

Race with us this fall!

As the weather breaks, it's easier to imagine yourself training for a race. We have a great list of local races this fall that we'd love to see you at!

*denotes part of Five Points Race Series race: Join Cleveland for the FIVE POINT RACE SERIES again in 2023! These fall 5k’s celebrate the best of our local parks. Register for and complete at least 3 out of the 6 races and you will earn an exclusive BOCO hat or a $20 Terra Running gift card! Sponsored by the City of Cleveland Parks and Recreation.

*August 1 through November 24: Explore Cleveland Virtual 5k: Help us raise money for the Terra Kids Run Camp in the summer of 2024, all while exploring a new route in Cleveland. This virtual 5k is inexpensive and fun; run a 5k on your own and send us a selfie! We will post all finisher picture's on the window of Terra Running Company to celebrate your accomplishment! All money is donated to the Terra Kids Run Camp, which hosted 50 kids in a running day camp this summer for free! (This is also part of the Five Points Race Series, so if you need a 3rd race finish to earn the hat or gift card, it's easy to do this one on your own!)

*August 26: Junior Achievement Race to Achieve 5k at Tinsley Park: Did you know this was the very first race Terra Running Company ever timed back in 2017? We have been with JA from the beginning of Terra Running race timing and it always feels nostalgic when we're back at Tinsley Park at sunrise in August for yet another JA 5k! I have had the opportunity to volunteer with Junior Achievement this past year. I taught a really thorough and fun lesson about the economics of our region of the country to 4th graders at Charleston Elementary. I got to see firsthand the impact of these awesome lessons that JA provides for area schools. The 5k is one of their biggest fundraisers and we are proud to be involved. Run this fast course that starts at the dog parks at Tinsley and runs south.

*September 9: Cowpea 5k + 1 mile in Calhoun/Charleston: Yippeea! This the first EVER Cowpea 5k and we are so excited to be partnering with the International Cowpea Festival on this race. We will be raising money for the Hiwassee River Heritage Center in Charleston. The race starts in Calhoun, runs on historic Highway 11 south over the Hiwassee River to Charleston. We make a beautiful loop through historic Charleston and back north over the river to Calhoun. All participants get a free entry to that day's Cowpea Festival in Charleston. This is a great new local race, and the only race in our neighboring town of Charleston!

September 16: Recovery Alive 5k at Greenway Park: This is the first year for Terra Running to be teaming up with the South Cleveland Church of God Recovery Alive program for the RA5k at Greenway Park. Recovery Alive at South Cleveland is a safe place for you to come and DO recovery. No matter what you struggle with, you are welcome. Recovery Alive meets every Thursday night at South Cleveland Church of God and this is a fundraiser for the program. Join us in spreading hope!

September 23: Ronald McDonald House Charities Run4Kids at Chattanooga State: We love working with the Ronald McDonald House on this great Run4Kids race! This is one of the Ronald McDonald house's big fundraisers and they do it big! The race brings together runners, walkers, RMHC alumni families and supporters for this fun, kid friendly event. The course runs through Chattanooga State to the Riverwalk and has great views!

*October 14: Willowbend Farms Run for Their Freedom 5k at Greenway Park: Willowbend Farms sure knows how to put on the 5k! This event is an important fundraiser for Willowbend Farms, whose mission is to fight human trafficking in our area. There is live music at the Greenway Stage, vendors, and a powerful service after the race. Another unique aspect of this event is the evening time, with the race starting at 6pm.

October 20: Nightmare on Nashville Street in Ringgold, GA: This is the first year for this new 5k, but we have worked with the race organizers on previous events and can assure you, it will be a SCREAM! The 5k will start at the Ringgold Market in downtown Ringgold and will wind its way down a spooky nature trail.  All runners will receive a commemorative race shirt. Performance awards will be given to male and female racers with the fastest time in their age brackets. The 1 mile trick or treat run will be held on the block surrounding Ringgold City Hall. 1 mile participants will receive a shirt with their entry fee and can swing by the tie dye station to give their race shirt some splashes of color.  Participants can also visit trick or treat tables to load up on candy!

*October 21: Cleveland Half Marathon & 5k in downtown Cleveland: We are so excited for the 6th running of the Cleveland Half Marathon & 5k! We have even more sponsors, community organizations, and volunteers involved and are proud to bring you the only half marathon in our area. You know we LOVE our big finishers medals, and this year we are honoring our own Terra Running Company building! The medal is a hand-drawn rendition of the building, complete with runners, coffee drinkers, and even our shop dog, Rocky!

*November 23: Thanksgiving Day 5k & 1 mile at Tinsley Park: There are more race finishers on Thanksgiving Day in the United States than any other day of the year. Be one of those finishers by joining us. This race has become one of the biggest 5k's in Cleveland! Join us at Tinsley Park for a fast, flat, family friendly 5k, then go indulge in turkey and pies the rest of the day!

December 2: Lafayette, GA Reindeer Run: This is the 2nd year Terra Running has partnered with the Lafayette, GA Women's Club for their annual Reindeer Run and we are big fans of the work they do! The race runs through historic Lafayette, GA and is super fun and festive! Last year, the LaFayette Woman’s Club donated $10,000 to the LaFayette Shop With A Cop program and $9,000 to fund three LaFayette High School Female Scholarships. Get in the Christmas spirit with this awesome 5k!

December 9: Relay for Life Cleveland Reindeer Run 5k: Help support Cleveland's American Cancer Society Relay for Life with the running of this local Reindeer Run at Greenway Park. Race t-shirts and goodie bags are guaranteed for pre-registered participants. Don't worry about the cold: there will be coffee, hot chocolate and donuts during the morning of the event!

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Terra Running Company Brittany Katz Terra Running Company Brittany Katz

7 Years of Terra Running Company

February 3, 2016, was an exciting day in Cleveland! Terra Running Company, then located on Georgetown Road, opened our doors for the first time! At the time, I owned a running and outdoor store in Blue Ridge, GA called Terra Outfitters, and this was the sister store. On the evening of February 3, Scott's Bicycle Center was hosting a tri-night with speakers and discounts and we decided to combine the opening with their well-attended event. We were located in the same parking lot as Scott's Bikes and shared lots of the same customers. The tri-night was a huge success and the 30 or so customers who came to Scott's for the event migrated next door to check out the new Terra Running Company! 

Over the past 7 years, there have been lots of changes at Terra Running Company. Most prominently, we purchased the downtown building where we are now located in 2017 and completely renovated it. Terra Running opened in our current location the weekend of the Cleveland Half Marathon & 5k in May 2018. (Cleveland Coffee & Market opened 1 month later as Bear Brew Coffee June 1, 2018.) The proximity to Cleveland Coffee & Market has been a great improvement to the store environment. It has been a great way to meet new potential customers who many not think to check out a running specialty store on their own. We also began timing races soon after opening in 2016. We put on a few of our own races (who remembers the Tall Betsy 6k?!) and started working with race directors to time races right away. We carried most of the same brands, but have since added ON, Superfeet and The North Face. 

Some things still haven't changed, and we hope never will! 7 years later, we are still committed to the best customer service in Cleveland. We are the only place that carries many of the top shoe brands, and the only place in the area to get fit for shoes. Over the years, I have been blessed to be a part of so many employees lives over the years, witnessing graduations, marriages, and transitions to "real" jobs. The relationships I have cultivated with these employees has been some of the most rewarding part of owning Terra Running Co over the years.

Looking ahead, we are excited to continue to improve operations here at Terra Running Company. We are always coming up with new ideas, and you can look forward to more Terra Girls podcasts, a Terra Kids Run Camp, some new races, and new accessories and apparel brands hitting the store soon! We are continually thankful for the support of the community and our loyal and supportive customer base. 

Cheers to 7 years, and many many more!

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Tips Tiffany Skinner Tips Tiffany Skinner

Running Safely: an Interview with the Women of Terra Running Co.

Do you run outside? If so, why? If not, why not?

Tiff: “I absolutely run outside! To me, the joy of running is getting to be active and explore outside whether on the road or on the trail. I will run inside if I have to but it is only as a last resort.”

Brittany: “Yes almost exclusively. It's my chance to be outside and enjoy the fresh air. I only run on the treadmill if the weather is really bad.”

Olivia: “Yes, I run outside every day unless it is storming or freezing cold. I love to run outside because it gets me in the fresh air, helps me explore new areas of town, and typically runs seem to go by faster when I am distracted by nature!”

Do you take any precautions when running outside?

Tiff: “Yes, in the sense that I always have my phone with me, I run safe routes, and I don’t usually run alone when it is dark out; if it is dark outside I run in the middle of very populated, well lit areas like Lee’s campus and make sure that someone always knows where I am. This is a different aspect of safety, but I also note the weather to watch for storms and make sure that I am wearing bright, reflective gear if needed.”

Brittany: “I run during daylight hours and on routes I am familiar with.”

Olivia: “I almost always make an effort to run in groups or at least with one other person. If I can't run with someone else, I will have a friend or sibling bike with me. If neither of those options are available, I will carry my phone and mace while I run and tell someone at home where I am going and about how long I will be gone.”

Do you ever run outside alone? Do you take different precautions when running outside alone?

Tiff: “Running is usually my ‘me-time’ so the ability to go and be off by myself is one of the things that I appreciate about it the most. That being said, I do make sure that I am not running in the dark, in the middle of nowhere by myself, that I have my phone with me, and that I am in generally safe and familiar areas. Especially when I am alone, I make sure to be very aware of my surroundings and to listen to my gut. If somewhere or someone strikes me as off I don’t hesitate to listen to that feeling to remove myself from that situation either by calling someone or leaving immediately.”

Brittany: “I run almost exclusively outside alone. I really enjoy the alone time and getting to go at my own pace.”

Olivia: “Yes, I will occasionally run alone. When I do, the first thing I do is make sure to have my phone and mace. I am always checking my surroundings to ensure I am safe as I run. This could include keeping check of the cars that go by but also the people I see.”

Have you ever felt unsafe when running outside? What did you do?

Tiff: “I can’t remember a time I ever felt truly unsafe when running outside in daylight; I have plenty of memories of jerks cat calling from their cars but nothing that left me feeling like I was in real danger. I do, however, have memories of feeling unsafe when it was dark out or dusk. I avoid running by myself at those times but occasionally I miscalculate and find myself running in the dark. When this happens I usually call someone to pick me up or to let them know where I am. I will also get on the phone (or even to fake being on the phone) if I feel like there are some sketchy people about. That being said, I always act and speak very confidently.”

Brittany: “Yes I have felt wary when passing by certain people. I wouldn't say I was felt unsafe, but I was definitely aware and conscious of my surroundings when passing them. When that happens, I look the person right in the eye. I don't shy away or avert my gaze; I feel safer and more empowered when I know that they know I saw them. I also tend to stand up taller and run a bit faster.”

Olivia: “Yes, there have been times I feel unsafe running outside. If I notice someone following me or I am passing by someone that appears unsafe to me, I will immediately look around to see where I could go (a house, public area, etc.) to be around other people.”

What would you say to someone who doesn’t feel safe when running outside?

Tiff: “I would say that fear doesn’t magically equal safety so you shouldn’t rely on it to tell you what you can and can’t do. There are things that you can do to help keep yourself safe, just like you would take precautions for anything else you do in life. That being said, if you don’t actually want to run outside, you certainly don’t need to!”

Brittany: “Generally our area is very safe for running outside. Lee University campus has Campus Security on patrol at all times and the Greenway is patrolled as well. I would encourage you to take any steps you need to feel safe (carry mace, share your location with a friend, run with a friend) but don't let the fear of what *could* happen outweigh the benefits of alone time, getting stronger in the fresh air. Many people use the Greenway and sidewalks as a means to commute in Cleveland because they connect the entire town. Just because someone doesn't look like you or look like they're exercising doesn't mean they intend to harm. That being said, just be alert and know that you are capable and entitled to enjoy the outdoors.”

Olivia: “My first suggestion would be to find a group of people to run with each time you go out for a run. I think the benefits of getting outside each day are irreplaceable! If this is not something you can manage, go to a public park that you feel comfortable at and where there are plenty of other people around. And if neither of these options feel safe or is attainable, running on the treadmill is always a great alternative!”

Any general tips for staying safe when running as a woman?

Tiff: “Beyond just being smart about time of day and place, act strong and confident when around others and don’t be afraid to send aggressive glares to sketchy people. Act strong, in control, and self-possessed. Listen to your gut if something feels off and don’t hesitate to call someone (even the police if needed) to pick you up or let them know where you are and what is happening if needed.”

Brittany: “My main safety tool is my confidence. I look any passerby right in the face and let them know I see them. Besides that, I have run with mace. We carry mace that has a special strap for running so it's easy to carry and quick to dispense if needed. Additionally, run on routes you are familiar with. This gives a sense of belonging to the area and you get to know what's normal and what's not.”

Olivia: “Be aware of your surroundings. I have found that over my years of running (most times in a group of girls, sometimes alone) I have become extremely vigilant of what's going on around me while I run, which has not only helped me feel safer but also avoided potential problems.”

In your opinion, what are some of the best places to run in the area?

Tiff: “In the daylight I love running on the Greenway and downtown in the neighborhoods. For local trails I like Johnston Woods, Enterprise Nature Park and White Oak Mountain at Southern Adventist University. I know that running on the Greenway can get a bad rap but I find that it is heavily populated and patrolled well by the police. If it is dusk or dark I will run the well lit and central parts of Lee University’s campus.”

Brittany: “I always start my runs from Terra Running in downtown Cleveland. I really enjoy running through the Historic District neighborhood. The houses are beautiful and there are almost always people out in their yards, walking the roads, or in Deer Park. I also really enjoy running the Greenway. I have done all of my long training runs on the Greenway in the daylight.”

Olivia: “Neighborhoods that are familiar and you feel safe running through! Running through neighborhoods is great because there are normally people out and about and the roads are less busy. Also, looking at houses is always fun for me as a runner! I would also suggest running in parks where there are people around.”

Any final thoughts?

Tiff: “Don’t let the headlines steal your joy from you. For me, running is a joy. Always be smart and vigilant in all areas of your life — including running — but don’t get pulled down into the fear spiral. And don’t forget to talk to trusted friends and family about any anxiety or fear you are feeling, regarding running or anything else.”

Brittany: “If you are looking for a group of people to run with, come to Terra on Monday evenings at 5:30 and/or 6pm (check our social media and website for updated times — we sometimes change it with the time change) for the “Terra Trot;” you might even find friends to run with at other times during the week.”

Olivia: “Don't give up something you love because of fear. Do all that you can to make yourself safe when you go out for a run, and from there just enjoy the gift of running!”

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Announcements Tiffany Skinner Announcements Tiffany Skinner

Tax-Free Weekend at Terra

Though we have only been officially in the summer season for a few weeks, around here it can feel like summer is starting to wind down. Maybe it’s the fact that the school year is about to restart and all of the special aisles in the big box stores are suddenly stocked with pencils, notebooks and backpacks. Maybe it’s the fact that runners are starting to officially commit to their fall races. Or maybe it’s the fact that you can now buy candy corn in the store if you wanted to (!). Whatever the reason, this in-between time in Tennessee always brings with it the pseudo holiday we call tax-free weekend (a few of them, actually!). These special weekends are a time to stock up on back-to-school supplies as well as essentials that many have been waiting all year to purchase. At Terra, it also happens to be an excellent time to buy running shoes!

This year the weekend for clothes and apparel falls on July 29-31. Besides shoes, shoppers can purchase apparel, socks, etc., tax free if they are priced under $100. Because we want to pass along the savings, we will pay the tax for shoppers on shoes and apparel over $100 (what running shoe is priced under $100 these days!?). This begs the question… “what pair of shoes should I invest in over tax-free weekend?”

If you need a new pair of runners/walkers, the store is your oyster! Let us fit you up; we will ask about your goals and intended use for the shoe, any injuries or aches and pains you’ve been experiencing, as well as measure your feet and examine your gait and foot fall. We’ll take it from there and bring you suggestions based on your results.

If you already have a fresh pair of daily trainers but still want to take advantage of the tax-free goodness consider investing in something a little different than what you are currently wearing (though if you have a favorite shoe and want to stock up, go for it). Research shows that running in different shoes can help prevent injury and prolongs the life of your shoes. Maybe you are trying to PR in your next race and would benefit from a faster, lighter shoe for race day and speed work? Or maybe you have been dabbling in trail running but still don’t have a dedicated shoe for it? Perhaps you have a great running shoe but need something better for work and daily life? We have options for all of these scenarios and would love to help you get in something that will aid in your goals!

Lastly, maybe now is the time to pick up one of the brand new version of your favorite shoe model. A lot of shoe updates come out in the summer and we have some especially noteworthy additions in the Hoka Bondi 8, the Altra Torin 6, and the Brooks Glycerin and Glycerin GTS 20. And if you don’t care about the latest and greatest, we will also have a sale table with older model shoes marked in the $75-$100 range!

Don’t need shoes? No worries! Come in for everyday essentials like nutrition (buy 3 get 1), socks (buy 2 get 1), bras (30% off) and apparel not only tax free but also 25% off.

We will be open regular hours through tax-free weekend: Friday 10-6 pm, Saturday 10-5pm, Sunday 12-4pm. We’ll see you then!

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