Announcements Tiffany Skinner Announcements Tiffany Skinner

RRCA designates Cleveland Half Marathon as Tennessee Half Marathon Championship Race

Terra Running Company is excited to announce that the Cleveland Half Marathon has been chosen by the Road Runners Club of America as Tennessee’s Championship race for the half marathon distance in 2025.

As explained by the Road Runners Club of America, “The RRCA Championship Event Series is the largest grassroots-organized running series in the U.S. with over 200 races participating that attract nearly 300,000 participants. RRCA Championship Events are designated annually at the State, Regional, and National level through a competitive bidding process. The goal of the RRCA Championship Event Series is to celebrate and shine a spotlight on well-run, community-focused events and to award their top performing runners.”

The Cleveland Half Marathon and 5k has steadily grown since pausing during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. The event is now in its eighth year and regularly attracts over 400 runners from Tennessee, northwest Georgia, western North Carolina, and across the Southeast. Besides the half marathon and the 5k, 2025 will see the addition of a 10k.

“The RRCA is an organization that we respect and appreciate,” says Terra Running Company manager, Tiffany Skinner. “From assisting races and race directors, training run coaches, promoting run friendly communities, and pouring into the next generation of runners through programs like “Kids Run the Nation,” RRCA is a true advocate for runners. It is an honor for the Cleveland Half Marathon to be designated as their Tennessee Half Marathon Championship. We are thrilled to welcome runners from across the state to run our lovely town with us!”

The newly USATF certified course starts in beautiful downtown Cleveland, passes through the campus of Lee University, up through Cleveland’s historic neighborhood, and onto Cleveland’s Greenway system; a relatively flat and fast out and back, the half marathon is perfect for runners looking for a new PR.

RRCA will be recognizing the winners of the half marathon in the following categories: open male and female, 40+ male and female, 50+ male and female, 60+ male and female.

Runners looking to register for the Tennessee Half Marathon Championship, as well as all other distances, can register at the The date of the race is October 25th, 2025.

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Announcements Tiffany Skinner Announcements Tiffany Skinner

Terra Running Company Nationally Recognized for Third Year in a Row

Once again, Terra Running Company has been nationally recognized as “A Best Running Store.” This is Terra Running Co.’s fourth time winning the award and the third year in a row they have received the recognition (2019, 2022, 2023, and 2024).

Conferred by The Running Event since 2008, this national award recognizes leaders in the run specialty industry. A months-long process, The Running Event evaluates businesses’ in-store experience, as well as their out-of-store presence in the community, including charitable involvement and events and programs promoting the sport of running. To be considered for a Best Running Store award, retailers must also be nominated by customers and their community before being examined on location. In 2024, The Running Event team sorted through over 15,000 nominations representing nearly 270 unique stores around the US before conferring the “Best Running Store” designation on the approximately 60 winning retailers.

As explained by Christina Henderson, the Director of The Running Event, “These stores are managed by teams of people who care deeply about each other and their customers. This care and dedication creates ripple effects throughout communities across the country, not to mention all corners of the running industry.”

Owner Brittany Katz credited the Terra Running team and the support of the Cleveland community as being vital to winning the coveted designation. “The Terra Running staff and I have kept our standards high for customer service, and helpful and creative community events, all while providing the best experience for our customers; I believe this is why we brought the ‘Best Running Store’ award to Cleveland again this year. I am so thankful that Cleveland has continued to support our small business. We are excited for the future!”

All Best Running Store winners will be honored in person at The Running Event in Austin, Texas, on November 21, 2024.

To view the full list of winners and to learn more, visit:

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Announcements Tiffany Skinner Announcements Tiffany Skinner

Meet Dara!

Meet one of the newest members of Team Terra: Dara!

Q: Tell us about yourself!
My name is Dara, I am currently a Junior at Lee University, studying Exercise Science with an Athletic Training emphasis!

Q: What is your Favorite thing to do outside?
I love to go adventuring with my dog along the Ocoee! Anything that includes hiking, biking, kayaking, lake life, and of course my dog I’m having fun!

Q: What is your favorite book, movie, and TV show?
My favorite book is Why Revival Tarries by Leonard Ravenhill, my favorite movie is My Big Fat Greek Wedding, and my favorite TV show is Gilmore Girls!

Q:  How long have you lived in Cleveland?
I have lived in Cleveland for 9 years now and absolutely love the Cleveland Community!

Q:  What is your advice for someone looking to be fit for shoes, never been to Terra?
I think my biggest piece of advice is don’t be discouraged or embarrassed to try something new! It’s OK if your feet do not feel the same in the shoes you try on or even in the shoes you’ve worn previously. Each shoe fits and feels differently!

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Staff Favorites, Announcements Brittany Katz Staff Favorites, Announcements Brittany Katz

Meet Jared!

Meet one of the newest members of Team Terra: Jared!

Q: Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

My name is Jared White and I am originally from Sarasota FL. I moved to Ringgold, GA when I was 7, and then moved to Cleveland, TN when I started attending Lee University. I’m in my junior year at Lee studying biology, and I love to do anything outdoors.

Q: What is your favorite thing to do outside?

My favorite thing to do outside is pretty split between whitewater kayaking and running. I also love hiking and throwing frisbee with my bros.

Q: Q: What is your favorite movie, book, and TV show?

My favorite movie is easily Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith. My favorite book is The Lord of the Rings, and my favorite TV show is Star Wars: The Clone Wars.

Q: How long have you lived in Cleveland?

I have lived in Cleveland for about a year and a half now since coming to Lee. I really enjoy the community and all of the fun hikes that are super close by.

Q: What is your advice for someone looking to be fit for shoes, never been to Terra?

Focus on what shoe feels best to you, and don’t worry about what other people have told you is the “best shoe.”

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Announcements Tiffany Skinner Announcements Tiffany Skinner

TRC nationally recognized for third time; second year in a row

Team Terra recieving A Best Running Store award in 2022

On Thursday, July 27, Terra Running Company, along with 60 other stores across the country, was again named “A Best Running Store.” While Terra Running Company has won this award more than once, this is the first time they have received the honor in back-to-back years (2019, 2022, and 2023).

Conferred by The Running Event since 2008, this national award recognizes the leaders in the run specialty industry. As explained by The Running Event, “Best Running Stores celebrates the stores leading by example in the run specialty industry—the retailers who continually show their commitment to their customers and community. Leaders among their peers, these stores are always striving to create a stronger industry.”

Beyond the in-store experience, retailers must show expertise and professionalism, as well as offer events and programs around the sport of running. Charitable community involvement is also evaluated. To be considered for a Best Running Store award, retailers are nominated by customers and the community before being examined on location.

“We are really honored to be recognized as one of the best running stores, not only in the Southeast but in the US.” said owner Brittany Katz, “Our community has supported Terra Running Company in our mission to make activity more accessible for eight years and we are incredibly thankful for the continued support.”

Once again, Terra Running Co. is one of only two stores in the state of Tennessee to receive the award. All winners will be honored in person at The Running Event in Austin, Texas on November 30, 2023.

To view the full list of winners and to learn more, visit:

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Announcements Tiffany Skinner Announcements Tiffany Skinner

New Runner Starter Packs - Coming Soon!

His doctor called him fat and told him he better start walking to lose weight or die...

Faced with the shame and stigma many people in larger bodies face, Martinus made the choice to stand up for himself. “Screw walking,” he said. “I’ll run a marathon.” He left the doctor’s office and bought running shoes that same day.

It's been ten years since that fateful doctor's visit and Martinus has not only run hundreds of races -- including over 8 marathons -- he has been on the cover of Runner's World, a spokesperson for Adidas, a Boston Marathon finisher and is the founder of the Slow AF Run Club which has over 25,000 members. 

The Slow AF Run Club mission is to empower every person on this planet to become a runner in the body they have right now. 

In line with that mission, Martinus has written his first book, Slow AF Run Club: the ultimate guide for anyone who wants to run.*

Packed with real (and hilarious) cautionary tales from his life, training plans, nutrition advice, clothing choices, shoes, cross-training, mental fortitude, and everything in-between, Martinus Evans brand new book is perfect for anyone who wantsactually helpful information on how to get up and get out there right now. 

Terra Running Company is proud to be carrying Martinus's book -- which releases June 6th, 2023 --as a resource for our running and walking community! 

To celebrate and support the mission of empowering every person to become a runner in the body they have right now, we are thrilled to announce our "New Runner Starter Pack" which we will be giving away free to new runners who come and buy their first pair of shoes with us!**

What is it? 

Each starter pack will include some essential to help get you going on your running journey:

  • A brand new copy of Slow AF Run Club by Martinus Evans, "The Ultimate Guide for Anyone Who Wants to Run"

  • A Klean Freak body wipe

  • Nuun hydration sample

  • Body Glide (you'll need it, we promise!)

  • A pair of Balega running socks

  • A Terra Girls Podcast sticker (our podcast to keep you entertained during your workouts — check out our bonus episode where we interview Martinus, releasing June 5th!)

  • 10% off an entry into our Cleveland Half-Marathon or 5k on October 21st, 2023.

Have more questions? Come by and talk to us! We would be happy to help.

*P.S. You might be wondering why Martinus' book is called "Slow AF?" It comes from an experience he had while running a marathon where he was being heckled by a spectator who was calling him... you guessed it... "Slow AF" (but not the clean version). That being said, the language in Martinus' book is not for everyone! While some people will feel seen and encouraged by his matter of fact writing style, do proceed with caution if you are sensitive to language or thinking about giving the book to a younger reader.

**While supplies last; customer must be fit for shoes by a member of the Terra staff.

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Announcements Brittany Katz Announcements Brittany Katz

Coming Soon: Terra Kids Run Camp!

As a former teacher, I take advantage of any opportunity to work with students, so it comes as no surprise that the activity I am most excited about Terra adding to the summer schedule is our brand new Terra Kids Run Camp! This has been on my radar for years, and the addition of Tiffany to our staff has helped me be able to follow through with some awesome ideas I've had for years. 

The most exciting part of camp this year is that we are able to offer it completely free for to up to 50 students thanks to the generous support from Wright Brothers Construction! This is a huge benefit to the youth in our community. We are able to welcome children of all ages and backgrounds to enjoy the healthy habit of running thanks to Wright Brothers Construction's commitment!

What is the Terra Kids Run Camp?

The Terra Kids Run Camp will be a week-long day camp hosted at Terra Running Company and Lee University for rising 1st through 6th graders, both boys and girls! We will have some indoor instruction, snack time, and games, as well as running at the Forum on the Lee University campus. 

The TERRA Kids Run Camp will be following the Road Runners Club of America Kids Run the Nation curriculum, which emphasizes the FUNdamentals of Youth Running:

  • MAKE RUNNING FUN: First and foremost, running should be fun. Do not use running as a punishment. Encourage children to participate and try their best.

  • EMPHASIZE GOOD FORM: Teach youth good form early and help eliminate bad habits such as excessive arm movement, twisting of the upper body, or over striding.

  • FOCUS ON PARTICIPATION: In elementary school, running should be about participation and developing a healthy lifestyle, not about being the fastest kid in the school or program. Save competition for middle and high school aged students.

  • RESPECT INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES: Avoid a one-size-fits-all running program. Accommodate for differences in abilities within the group. Children mature both physically and emotionally at different rates, and this will factor into their ability to participate in running.  Ensure physically challenge youth can participate.

  • LIMIT SYSTEMATIC TRAINING BEFORE PUBERTY: Before puberty children are rapidly growing and changing. Excessive, systematic training may interfere with normal growth and cause injury in a child.

    Between the ages of 3 and 9, encourage regular exercise, including organized running as outlined in the Kids Run the Nation Program.

    Around the age of 8 to 12, children may enjoy participation in a more organized running program that has a more systematic training environment that lasts 2-to 3-months.

    Around the age of 12 for girls, and 14 for boys, key developmental changes will enable students to increase training distance and duration leading to participation in a systematic and competitive training environment.

  • INCREASE RUNNING WORKLOAD GRADUALLY: Running workload includes volume (distance), intensity (speed or effort), and frequency (number of days a week). Just like with adults’ running training, children should start a running program with a low-volume, low-intensity plan and limit frequency to a couple of days per week. Workload should increase over the duration of the program, but should remain appropriate for the individual runner.

  • PARTICIPATE IN AGE-APPROPRIATE EVENTS: Running in a kid’s fun run or youth track event can be a great experience for kids.

    For children 5 and under focus on “dash” events that range from a few yards to 400 meters.

    For children 5 and over, kids fun runs that are a ½ to 1 mile long may be considered, but allow for a combination of running and walking.

    Children ages 8-12 and over may want to participate in a 5K run.

    Children ages 13-15 and older may want to participate in a 10K to half marathon event.

    Children 15-18 and older may want to participate in a marathon or further distance.

    These are general guidelines and the distance a child can physically and emotionally tolerate will depend on the individual, however longer distances (10K and over) should wait until after puberty.

    These guidelines are based on the ten developmental principles that guide training and racing for young distance runners outlined in the book Training for Young Distance Runners by Larry Greene, PhD and Russ Pate, PhD, published by Human Kinetics.

To learn more and register for camp, go to or email with questions.

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Announcements Tiffany Skinner Announcements Tiffany Skinner

Introducing the Team Terra Ambassador Program

At Terra Running Company we believe that being healthy and active is for everyone, no matter a person's shape, size, age, experience level, speed, or background. We also know that running -- despite being one of the simplest and most accessible forms of activity -- can feel especially intimidating at first. Because of this we are starting the Team Terra Ambassador Program!

As a local running store, we have the privilege of meeting a lot of amazing people who love running, walking and fitness (some even more than we do)! Everyone has their own story of how they found their way through the Terra Running Company doors or to the starting line of a Terra timed race. For some it was a desire to improve their health, others were looking to fuel their next ultra marathon, and still others were simply needing good shoes to help them through their day. No matter how someone finds us, we are always inspired and excited to learn more about each person’s journey. Through the Team Terra Ambassador Program we want to give back to our customers and show off the stories of the Terra community so that everyone has the chance to be inspired!

So what exactly is it?

The Team Terra Ambassador Program is a year long (free!) membership for 10 athletes that we feel can represent the Terra community well. Terra Ambassadors receive 50% off of one pair of shoes, 20% off of all Terra owned races, 15% off apparel, a free nutrition item each month (excluding Nuun), as well as an exclusive Team Terra tee and a Terra sticker. Ambassadors will also be highlighted on and our social media. In exchange we will ask our ambassadors to attend Terra events periodically, as well as share and post about Terra Running throughout the year (see the application for specifics).

What it’s not…

We know that a lot of specialty run stores have racing teams, but we wanted to imagine something different that was welcoming for everyone no matter their speed or experience. You can be fast, slow, or even exclusively a walker to join our team! We just want you to be a customer who is excited that Terra Running Company exists here in Southeast Tennessee and isn’t afraid to share your experiences to help cheer on others as they work toward their own fitness goals. And don’t think that you have to have some crazy story of how running has changed your life to be a part of the team — the whole point is to show that being active is for everyone (though if you do have an amazing story we would also love to have you)! If you are interested at all, please apply!

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Announcements Tiffany Skinner Announcements Tiffany Skinner

Terra Running Company Wins National Award for 2022

On Friday, July 29th Terra Running Company, along with 60 other stores across the country, was named a "Best Running Store for 2022.” This annual award has been conferred by The Running Event since 2008 and recognizes the leaders in the run specialty industry. As explained by The Running Event, “Best Running Stores celebrates the stores leading by example in the run specialty industry—the retailers who continually show their commitment to their customers and community. Leaders among their peers, these stores are always striving to create a stronger industry.”

Beyond the in-store experience, retailers must show expertise and professionalism, as well as offer events and programs around the sport of running. Charitable community involvement is also evaluated. To be considered for a Best Running Store award, retailers are nominated by customers and the community before being examined on location.

“We are really honored to be among the top stores in the country,” said owner, Brittany Katz, “I am really proud of the customer service and attention to detail my team provides, and I am thankful to the Cleveland running community for the continued support.”

One of only two stores in the state of Tennessee to receive the award, this marks Terra Running Company’s second Best Running Store win, with the first being in 2019. Winners will be honored in person at The Running Event in Austin, Texas on December 1st, 2022.

To view the full list of winners and to learn more, visit:

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Announcements Tiffany Skinner Announcements Tiffany Skinner

Tax-Free Weekend at Terra

Though we have only been officially in the summer season for a few weeks, around here it can feel like summer is starting to wind down. Maybe it’s the fact that the school year is about to restart and all of the special aisles in the big box stores are suddenly stocked with pencils, notebooks and backpacks. Maybe it’s the fact that runners are starting to officially commit to their fall races. Or maybe it’s the fact that you can now buy candy corn in the store if you wanted to (!). Whatever the reason, this in-between time in Tennessee always brings with it the pseudo holiday we call tax-free weekend (a few of them, actually!). These special weekends are a time to stock up on back-to-school supplies as well as essentials that many have been waiting all year to purchase. At Terra, it also happens to be an excellent time to buy running shoes!

This year the weekend for clothes and apparel falls on July 29-31. Besides shoes, shoppers can purchase apparel, socks, etc., tax free if they are priced under $100. Because we want to pass along the savings, we will pay the tax for shoppers on shoes and apparel over $100 (what running shoe is priced under $100 these days!?). This begs the question… “what pair of shoes should I invest in over tax-free weekend?”

If you need a new pair of runners/walkers, the store is your oyster! Let us fit you up; we will ask about your goals and intended use for the shoe, any injuries or aches and pains you’ve been experiencing, as well as measure your feet and examine your gait and foot fall. We’ll take it from there and bring you suggestions based on your results.

If you already have a fresh pair of daily trainers but still want to take advantage of the tax-free goodness consider investing in something a little different than what you are currently wearing (though if you have a favorite shoe and want to stock up, go for it). Research shows that running in different shoes can help prevent injury and prolongs the life of your shoes. Maybe you are trying to PR in your next race and would benefit from a faster, lighter shoe for race day and speed work? Or maybe you have been dabbling in trail running but still don’t have a dedicated shoe for it? Perhaps you have a great running shoe but need something better for work and daily life? We have options for all of these scenarios and would love to help you get in something that will aid in your goals!

Lastly, maybe now is the time to pick up one of the brand new version of your favorite shoe model. A lot of shoe updates come out in the summer and we have some especially noteworthy additions in the Hoka Bondi 8, the Altra Torin 6, and the Brooks Glycerin and Glycerin GTS 20. And if you don’t care about the latest and greatest, we will also have a sale table with older model shoes marked in the $75-$100 range!

Don’t need shoes? No worries! Come in for everyday essentials like nutrition (buy 3 get 1), socks (buy 2 get 1), bras (30% off) and apparel not only tax free but also 25% off.

We will be open regular hours through tax-free weekend: Friday 10-6 pm, Saturday 10-5pm, Sunday 12-4pm. We’ll see you then!

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Announcements Tiffany Skinner Announcements Tiffany Skinner

Katz Awarded Small Business Person of the Year Award for 2022

Terra Running Company is proud to announce that owner and operator, Brittany Katz, has been awarded the Mel Bedwell Small Business Person of the Year Award for 2022. The award is presented by the Cleveland and Bradley County Chamber of Commerce.

Katz was presented with the award on Wednesday, May 18th at the Mel Bedwell Small Business Person of the Year Award Luncheon sponsored by Pinnacle Financial Partners. Senator Bob Corker was the headline speaker and last year’s winner, Brad Benton, presented the award.

The award goes to a small business owner who has shown: staying power, growth and number of employees, increase in sales and unit volume, innovation of product or service offered, response to adversity, and the evidence of contribution by the nominee to aid community oriented projects.

Since opening in Cleveland in 2016, Katz has grown Terra Running Company into, not only a community staple, but a business focused on doing good and enhancing the lives of residents in Bradley County and beyond.

Originally on Georgetown Road, Katz moved Terra Running Co. into the old Fillauer Building on N. Ocoee Street in 2018. The move was an investment in downtown Cleveland, aimed at promoting growth and community. Katz also added a coffee shop — Cleveland Coffee & Market (formally named Bear Brew) — at that time. She has grown both businesses even in the midst of the global pandemic and an unprecedented economic landscape.

Katz credits her loving family and friends, her staff, and the incredible support of the Cleveland community (as well as her dog Rocky!) to her success.

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Announcements Tiffany Skinner Announcements Tiffany Skinner

Brittany Selected as 2021 Community First Honoree

Every year Cleveland State Community College presents the Community First Awards to honor individuals from the region for the ways that they have supported and served the local community. This year, our very own Brittany Katz was selected as an Honoree in Philanthropy!

If you have been around Cleveland for a while, Terra owner Brittany Katz is no stranger to you. A board member of MainStreet Cleveland, the Chamber of Commerce, and currently the “Sargent in Arms” for Cleveland’s Rotary Club, Brittany has been an active member of the Cleveland community since she moved here in 2016. Though she has been creatively using Terra and her other venture Cleveland Coffee & Market, to support the community from the very beginning, after the difficulties of this past year, she wanted to give back in a more direct way. Out of this desire, Brittany, along with friend and owner of Carroll Printing Andrea Boddeker, started what they call “The Small Biz Give.” Each month a portion of proceeds and physical goods from their businesses — Terra Running Company, Cleveland Coffee & Market, and Carroll Printing — are donated to a local non-profit. Already this year, thousands of dollars have been donated locally through The Small Biz Give.

“2020 was the most uncertain year we have ever had. Small businesses rely heavily on the local community and we wanted to support the people who have supported us. The Small Biz Give is another way to include customers in supporting their community as well as helping them understand the difference between us and a big box store… when you buy local you support friends and neighbors, you provide local jobs.”

Beyond The Small Biz Give, Brittany and her crew at Terra Running and Cleveland Coffee & Market have been finding ways to rally around the community since the beginning of 2020’s troubles.

“We started by fundraising with the I Believe in Cleveland shirts to benefit those affected by the tornado last April. We also collected donations from customers to help bring hundreds of coffees to healthcare workers at Tennova. We help local artisans sell their goods [through Cleveland Coffee & Market] and, of course, we always use as many local businesses as possible for all of our own business needs; if we are going to spend money we are going to spend it here.”

Though the Community First Awards happen every year, for 2021, the selection committee focused specifically on individuals who put the community first despite the pandemic and all of its challenges. With this in mind, Brittany was selected by the committee as an Honoree in Philanthropy for how she has served the community with generosity and grit even in the face of her own businesses' challenges. In the words of the committee, “Everything she does puts the community first.”

Congratulations Brittany and a big THANK YOU for all the ways that you serve our community!

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Staff Favorites, Announcements Brittany Katz Staff Favorites, Announcements Brittany Katz

Meet Tiffany

Meet the newest member of Team Terra: Tiffany!

Q: Tell us about yourself!


A: I am originally from the East Coast — 30 minutes north of Baltimore, Maryland (Go Ravens)! I found my way to Tennessee when I moved here to go to college. After graduating, I worked at Lee University for almost a decade (CRAZY) and I just transitioned to Team Terra! Though you will definitely find me working on the floor in the store, I am also going to be helping put on events and managing our marketing. Other things to know about me? I love coffee, music, travel, and my cat Theodore (who is perfect).


Q: What is your favorite thing to do outside?

A: Not surprisingly, my favorite thing to do outside is run! If we are getting specific, trail running has become my favorite even though I am relatively new to it. Since I also love hiking, trail running is the best of both worlds. Recently, I have also started mountain biking, which has been a blast. I am so thankful that there are so many amazing trails around the Cleveland/Chattanooga area!

Q: What is your favorite movie, book, and TV show?

A: Though I definitely enjoy a good movie, I am generally more of a documentary person. Right now I would recommend Kiss the Ground and Honeyland (two completely different types of documentaries). As far as books, my “favorite” is probably Behind the Beautiful Forevers by Katherine Boo. It is honestly a tough read since it is about real people living in the slums of Mumbai, but it is excellently written and certainly sticks with you long after finishing. My favorite TV show is much lighter than either of my previous picks — Parks and Recreation! I don’t know if watching Leslie Knope and the crew in Pawnee will ever get old for me. Brooklyn 99 is definitely a close second, though!


Q: How long lived in Cleveland?

A: If you count my time as a college student, I have been in Cleveland since 2009, though I officially moved here in 2013 when I started working at Lee University as a Resident Director. It is crazy that I have been here for so long!


Q: What is your advice for someone looking to be fit for shoes, never been to Terra?

A: Don’t assume that you know your shoe size! Running shoes should fit a little bit bigger than your regular street shoe since feet swell during activity. I made this mistake when I first got into running and ended up with a lot of blisters, a lost toenail, and numbness and tingling in my feet — all because my shoes were too small! This is why it is so important to let us size and fit your feet; we will help get you in a pair that feel comfortable for whatever type of activity you plan to do in your shoes.

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Announcements Brittany Katz Announcements Brittany Katz

Main Street Now Conference 2021

By Brittany Katz

Brittany Katz.png

I hope you’ll join me at the virtual Main Street Now Conference for three days of content focused on building stronger, more equitable downtowns and commercial districts! I’ll be presenting at the “Morning Wellness Session featuring Terra Running Company” session, where you’ll arm up at your desk and get moving with stretches and some easy movements to get the blood flowing! I will be leading you through the stretching basics that everyone will enjoy. During the session, I will also give you informative tips on how best to shop your favorite running/exercise store to get the best advice and fit for your personal workout, as well as learn how running stores all over the country have successfully activated their community.

Hosted April 12-14, Main Street Now is the premier gathering of local leaders from across the country–and the world—who share a commitment to building vibrancy and economic opportunity on Main Street. You’ll get access to immersive online sessions and networking opportunities to help you strengthen your organization, support small businesses, tell your story, and so much more. Learn more and register today: #MainStreetNow

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Announcements Brittany Katz Announcements Brittany Katz

Small Business, Big Community Impact

By Sarah Stephens, Director of Communication and Marketing at the Cleveland Bradley Chamber of Commerce

Small Biz Give interview.jpg

There is no denying that small businesses and nonprofits were dealt a difficult hand in 2020. Many across the nation are still fighting to save their organizations as states begin to lift restrictions. And our local small business community was not immune to these same difficulties. Even in the midst of these business challenges, two local small business leaders have kept their focus on giving back to the community and have launched a new program specifically to support local nonprofits. It’s called the Small Biz Give and it was created by Brittany Katz of Cleveland Coffee & Market, and Andrea Boddeker of Carroll Printing Company. We were intrigued by this new partnership between two of our Chamber members so we sat down with both women to learn more about this program and how it works.

Chamber: First, tell us a little more about this program.

Brittany: Each month we will be donating a portion of proceeds from each of our businesses to a nonprofit that is here in Cleveland. We wanted a way to get the community involved in the giving that we do with our businesses every month anyway, to put some structure around it so we could share all the great things the nonprofits in our community are doing and how we as small businesses can help them.


Chamber: What brought this about? Can you tell us more about why you decided to do this?

Andrea: Brittany and I work together a lot. We were talking one day about things happening in our community and how we want to be involved and it sort of developed itself. We were talking about how we both support nonprofits and various
different entities throughout the community, but we don’t really tell that story well. We wanted to put some legs to that…and not just continue giving ourselves but involve people in the community and engage them in that giving. We thought this might be an interesting way to help show creative ways we support our community and give people a little bit different opportunity to join us.

Chamber: How do each of your businesses participate in the Small Biz Give?

Brittany: Cleveland Coffee & Market is giving all our proceeds on Tuesdays to that month’s Small Biz Give recipient. Every Tuesday is Giving Tuesday. And each Tuesday we hope the community can get involved by supporting our small business and in turn they know we'll be supporting that month's nonprofit.

Andrea: Carroll Printing Company is giving a portion of all our sales/proceeds to the Small Biz Give which then donates into that nonprofit organization of the month. We decided to do it that way because most of our customers will come to us one day and place an order and pay when they pick up or pay through a PO system, so it wasn't exactly the same; we couldn't really identify a day that we could do it, so we're giving a portion of all our sales, whether it's apparel, screen printing, paper printing or even promotional items.


The first organization to receive funds from the Small Biz Give was Free 2 Fly, a nonprofit that supports, nurtures and
empowers women who have recently completed rehabilitation programs. The Chamber team followed along as Brittany and Andrea, armed with a check and ringing cowbells, presented the February Small Biz Give donation to the organization's president, Haley Johnston.

We are super excited about the number of people who came and shared with us that they wanted to help support Free 2 Fly. We are excited that we have had a longstanding relationship with Project Free 2 Fly and we were thrilled to be able to share with them this month.

Haley: We are so grateful for this support and for you guys coming alongside our work here in our community.

Nonprofits interested in applying for the Small Biz Give should complete the application at


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Announcements Brittany Katz Announcements Brittany Katz

Carroll Printing Company and Cleveland Coffee & Market Announce Small Biz Give Program

Locally owned downtown businesses have joined together to start the Small Biz Give, a give-back program where each business will donate a portion of proceeds to a different Cleveland-based nonprofit organization each month.

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Brittany Katz, owner of Terra Running Company and Cleveland Coffee & Market, and Andrea Boddeker, owner of Carroll Printing Company, have pledged to donate a portion of all proceeds each month in 2021 to the nonprofit chosen to be the recipient of each month’s Small Biz Give.

“Its part of our DNA to give back to the community,” said Katz. “Andrea and I came up with this program to put some structure around our giving, get the community involved, and help amplify the voices of the great community organizations in our area.”

At Cleveland Coffee & Market, every Tuesday is “Giving Tuesday.” Katz will be donating proceeds on Tuesday’s to the Small Biz Give and that month’s recipient.

Carroll Printing Company will be donating a portion of all proceeds for orders paid for in the month to the Small Biz Give.

“We want the community to see the concrete ways that supporting our small businesses also supports the community organizations in the area,” said Boddeker. “When you shop local, you support our companies, employees, and local nonprofits through the Small Biz Give.”

In February, the first Small Biz Give recipient is Project Free2Fly, a Cleveland based nonprofit organization who supports and nurtures women. The project includes mentoring and learning job-based skills to make jewelry, handbags, and accessories for sale in their storefront in downtown Cleveland and online. “We walk alongside the women in our program as they are setting goals for their future and work toward those goals together,” said Hailey Johnston, founder, and CEO of Project Free2Fly. “It’s through community partnerships and the support of others like Andrea and Brittany who give to our organization that allow us to be able to do this important work with these women as they work to create better futures for themselves and their families.”

Katz and Boddeker will announce the recipient of each month’s Small Biz Give on their company Facebook pages. Interested nonprofit organizations can apply to the Small Biz Give at

To reach Cleveland Coffee & Market, go to or email

To reach Carroll Printing Company, go to or email

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