Terra Kids Run Club

A new after school, gender inclusive running program for elementary schools in Cleveland and Bradley County.

Coming to an elementary school near you…fall 2025

Great news! Terra Running is starting the Terra Kids Run Club and we need YOU to help us get this much needed, impactful program in as many schools as we can! Together, we can get kids active!

The new Terra Kids Run Club is a gender inclusive, fitness based, after school program for Cleveland City and Bradley County elementary schools. TKRC aims to instill a life long love of health and wellness in the children of Cleveland. The curriculum pairs age appropriate instruction of running basics, nutrition, and stretching, with crafts, snacks, and games. Run Club participants will train for a Terra Running 5k at the end of the season, putting their skills to the test! We will follow the Road Runners Club of America Kids Run the Nation curriculum.

Over the past decade, Terra Running has been laying the groundwork to establish Terra Kids Run Club; we have created a stellar reputation in our community, have established local 5k’s that TKRC can train for, and have years of experience hosting Terra Kids Run Camp in the summer for rising K-5th graders. Now, we are excited to bring our experience and connections together to establish an incredible new after school program!

We are seeking sponsors, grants, and partners! Expenses include a part-time coordinator, insurance, water bottles and t-shirts, snacks, and associated race costs. Please contact me to learn more about this impactful program and get on board filling this need in Cleveland!

It takes a community.

Interested in being a sponsor? Helping coordinate? Coaching a team? Getting in contact with your kid’s school? We need the entire community to help us get this off the ground, so reach out and we will connect with you!