Staff Favorites Brittany Katz Staff Favorites Brittany Katz

Some of My Favorite Health Apps

There are so many great apps to help keep you on track on your journey to a healthy lifestyle. Here are a few of my favorites.


AllTrails is a great resource for trails near you. I use it in Cleveland to learn more about local trails, but it's already super handy when I travel to discover new parks and trails. There are difficulty ratings, pictures so you know what to expect, user reviews, and a star rating system. If you feel in a rut with your runs, check out AllTrails and find somewhere new to explore!

Garmin Connect

If you are a Garmin user, Garmin Connect has it all! This is where your watch will auto-sync to and you can check out all the data for your workouts and daily activity. It is a super user-friendly app, so don't worry if you're new to Garmin. Today's workouts show up at the top of the app each day and you can tap on them to get a map and detailed info, like pace, distance, elevation, temperature, performance indicators, and much more! I also track my water intake on my Garmin, so I can see my average ounces per day (If you watch Terra Girls, you know this is a challenge for me!). My favorite stat to check out is my activity over the last 7 days. I love seeing that I have switched it up this past week and did a few different kinds of activities. For example, today mine says: 2 yoga, 7 walks, 3 runs, 1 bike!


If you've ever worked on your cadence while running, a simple metronome app is very helpful. The goal cadence for runners is generally 170-180 steps per minute. It's a challenge to gauge your cadence on your own if you're just getting started, but listening to a metronome app for a bit at the beginning of your run can get you started on the right foot (pun intended). Increasing cadence means you are taking more, shorter, quicker steps per minute, decreasing the amount of time each foot is on the ground.


All around health doesn't mean just fitness. I am loving the Headspace app for short, mindful guided meditations. There are videos and classes, playlists for focusing or relaxing, a meditation each day that you can control the length of, and so much more! This is a great beginner-friendly meditation app, so don't be intimidated if you've never tried it before.


The only thing I love more than running is reading, and when I can do both, my day is made! Libby is a free app with free audiobooks accessible with your free library card! If your favorite book is taken, you can place it on hold and get notified when it's available, but to be honest, there are always great books available for free download anytime. I listen to books when I workout, walk the dog, and do chores around the house.

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Staff Favorites, Announcements Brittany Katz Staff Favorites, Announcements Brittany Katz

Meet Tiffany

Meet the newest member of Team Terra: Tiffany!

Q: Tell us about yourself!


A: I am originally from the East Coast — 30 minutes north of Baltimore, Maryland (Go Ravens)! I found my way to Tennessee when I moved here to go to college. After graduating, I worked at Lee University for almost a decade (CRAZY) and I just transitioned to Team Terra! Though you will definitely find me working on the floor in the store, I am also going to be helping put on events and managing our marketing. Other things to know about me? I love coffee, music, travel, and my cat Theodore (who is perfect).


Q: What is your favorite thing to do outside?

A: Not surprisingly, my favorite thing to do outside is run! If we are getting specific, trail running has become my favorite even though I am relatively new to it. Since I also love hiking, trail running is the best of both worlds. Recently, I have also started mountain biking, which has been a blast. I am so thankful that there are so many amazing trails around the Cleveland/Chattanooga area!

Q: What is your favorite movie, book, and TV show?

A: Though I definitely enjoy a good movie, I am generally more of a documentary person. Right now I would recommend Kiss the Ground and Honeyland (two completely different types of documentaries). As far as books, my “favorite” is probably Behind the Beautiful Forevers by Katherine Boo. It is honestly a tough read since it is about real people living in the slums of Mumbai, but it is excellently written and certainly sticks with you long after finishing. My favorite TV show is much lighter than either of my previous picks — Parks and Recreation! I don’t know if watching Leslie Knope and the crew in Pawnee will ever get old for me. Brooklyn 99 is definitely a close second, though!


Q: How long lived in Cleveland?

A: If you count my time as a college student, I have been in Cleveland since 2009, though I officially moved here in 2013 when I started working at Lee University as a Resident Director. It is crazy that I have been here for so long!


Q: What is your advice for someone looking to be fit for shoes, never been to Terra?

A: Don’t assume that you know your shoe size! Running shoes should fit a little bit bigger than your regular street shoe since feet swell during activity. I made this mistake when I first got into running and ended up with a lot of blisters, a lost toenail, and numbness and tingling in my feet — all because my shoes were too small! This is why it is so important to let us size and fit your feet; we will help get you in a pair that feel comfortable for whatever type of activity you plan to do in your shoes.

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