Tips Tiffany Skinner Tips Tiffany Skinner

The Elephant in the (Shoe) Room...

Key takeaways:

  • Shoe size has nothing to do with clothing size (though even clothing sizing is arbitrary!), it is a neutral indicator that can even vary by brand and model. Don’t let it bother you in the slightest if you need a larger size (or a smaller size!) than what you thought.

  • The human foot changing over time is a completely normal part of development, adaptation and age. Don’t worry if things have shifted from when you were 18 years old!

  • Many people just never realized what a properly sized shoe should feel like in the first place. Though it might not feel normal to you at first, don’t confuse familiarity with comfort.

  • If you are experiencing pain in your feet or just haven’t had your foot measured in a while, come by and have your size double checked.

Here at Terra Running Company we love fitting our customers for shoes! When you walk in our doors you will be greeted and told to let us know if you would like us to “fit you up.” This means that we will measure your feet, analyze your gait and foot fall, as well as interview you on any aches, pains, or problems you are trying to address with a new pair of shoes. This is a completely free and just part of our legendary customer service!

And while most customers find the information we provide from the shoe fitting process incredibly helpful, there is one aspect of it that many people struggle to accept…

… their real shoe size.

Think about it. Most people land on their shoe size by high school and, barring some life events where it is well known that feet size may change (post-pregnancy, dramatic weight gain/loss, etc.), it never occurs to most of us that it is important to periodically reexamine shoe size. Most people have absolutely no idea that feet can lengthen out over time as muscles and ligaments, strengthen, weaken and stretch. Add to this that we are in the age of online shopping where purchases are made not based on comfort but on clicks, and you end up with millions of people use to the feeling of ill-fitting shoes. This is especially harmful for those who are older and have been cramming their feet into “their normal shoe size” for 30, 40, 50+ years, not ever realizing that they are wearing a shoe that is dramatically too small. Overtime, this leads to a whole host of problems that require medical attention to address.

Knowing this you would think that most people would be ecstatic to finally put their feet into a pair of shoes that gives their toes the appropriate space, hits in the arch correctly, and doesn’t constrict blood flow or pinch nerves… right?


For a lot of people their is an angst around shoe size in the same way that many feel angst around clothing size. Yes, diet culture has effected even the way we view our shoes! As a shoe fitter, it can feel like the elephant in the room to inform someone of their shoe size because so many will not want to accept that, though they “have always been a size 8,” they really should be in a size 9.5. Though it is not even remotely the same thing, for many this feels like learning that, though they thought their clothing size was a small, it really should be a large. For others, there is simply the stubborn feeling that there is no way that they have been wrong about their shoe size and, for others, it is simply difficult to get used to the feeling of a properly fitting shoe after years of wearing a tight, ill-fitting shoe.

What are some signs that you may be in the wrong size:

  • You have neuropathy in your feet. Disclaimer: I am not a doctor and make no claim to be! I can only speak from my own experience fitting many people for shoes over the years, and I can tell you that almost every, single, person that I have fit up who has told me that they have neuropathy has been — not just in the wrong shoe size — but in the dramatically wrong shoe size.

  • You think you need a wide width. While it is true that many people do need wide width shoes, we also see a lot of people who think they need wide width shoes but are simply in too small of a size in the first place.

  • Your feet (or foot) gets tingly at the end of the day or on a run or walk. This is a classic sign that you may be in the wrong size! Feet swell with activity as well as throughout the day. Though a shoe may “fit” when you first put it on, if you are in the wrong size, things will only get worse as the day, or the run, goes on.

  • Your toes hit the end of your shoe. Your toes should not be crammed up to the end of your shoe! There should be about a centimeter plus of distance between the end of your toes and the end of the shoe.

  • You have very large or very small feet. It can be difficult to find the right size shoe in stock for feet that are very large or very small and, for many people, they will just settle for what they find on the shelf. People with rarer sizes, are often in the wrong size simply out of necessity. (Let us special order a shoe in the right size for you!)

  • Your feet just hurt at the end of the day. This could be caused by a lot of reasons but being in the wrong size could also be the culprit.

Not sure if you are in the right size? Come by and see us! We would love to measure your feet and hear what is going on.

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Testimonials Tiffany Skinner Testimonials Tiffany Skinner

Terra Testimonial: Michael

Did you know one of the most common problems we see when fitting for people for shoes is that they are wearing the wrong size? From your foot going numb during activity, to blisters and soreness, to toes hurting, to shoes wearing out quicker than they should, having the wrong size can cause a lot of problems. Especially when choosing a running or walking shoe, it is vital to make sure that you are in the correct size! Don’t take our word for it, check out what Michael has to say in this latest Terra Testimonial.

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Staff Favorites, Announcements Brittany Katz Staff Favorites, Announcements Brittany Katz

Meet Tiffany

Meet the newest member of Team Terra: Tiffany!

Q: Tell us about yourself!


A: I am originally from the East Coast — 30 minutes north of Baltimore, Maryland (Go Ravens)! I found my way to Tennessee when I moved here to go to college. After graduating, I worked at Lee University for almost a decade (CRAZY) and I just transitioned to Team Terra! Though you will definitely find me working on the floor in the store, I am also going to be helping put on events and managing our marketing. Other things to know about me? I love coffee, music, travel, and my cat Theodore (who is perfect).


Q: What is your favorite thing to do outside?

A: Not surprisingly, my favorite thing to do outside is run! If we are getting specific, trail running has become my favorite even though I am relatively new to it. Since I also love hiking, trail running is the best of both worlds. Recently, I have also started mountain biking, which has been a blast. I am so thankful that there are so many amazing trails around the Cleveland/Chattanooga area!

Q: What is your favorite movie, book, and TV show?

A: Though I definitely enjoy a good movie, I am generally more of a documentary person. Right now I would recommend Kiss the Ground and Honeyland (two completely different types of documentaries). As far as books, my “favorite” is probably Behind the Beautiful Forevers by Katherine Boo. It is honestly a tough read since it is about real people living in the slums of Mumbai, but it is excellently written and certainly sticks with you long after finishing. My favorite TV show is much lighter than either of my previous picks — Parks and Recreation! I don’t know if watching Leslie Knope and the crew in Pawnee will ever get old for me. Brooklyn 99 is definitely a close second, though!


Q: How long lived in Cleveland?

A: If you count my time as a college student, I have been in Cleveland since 2009, though I officially moved here in 2013 when I started working at Lee University as a Resident Director. It is crazy that I have been here for so long!


Q: What is your advice for someone looking to be fit for shoes, never been to Terra?

A: Don’t assume that you know your shoe size! Running shoes should fit a little bit bigger than your regular street shoe since feet swell during activity. I made this mistake when I first got into running and ended up with a lot of blisters, a lost toenail, and numbness and tingling in my feet — all because my shoes were too small! This is why it is so important to let us size and fit your feet; we will help get you in a pair that feel comfortable for whatever type of activity you plan to do in your shoes.

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