Events Tiffany Skinner Events Tiffany Skinner

Laps for Luis 5K

Each year, we partner with local organizations and businesses to time their races. One that we are extra excited to support is the Laps for Luis 5K. This race honors local runner Luis Perez, who lost his life to suicide. Besides being a great race, the event raises funds for local organizations that are working to address the mental health crisis in our area. The 5K, now in its 3rd year, also features a “Lap for Life” where the community will walk one lap to honor and remember of all those lost to suicide.

We chatted with Sonia Perez, the race director for the event, to learn more.

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and the Laps for Luis race?

The Laps for Luis 5K race is to remember our loved one Luis Daniel Perez, he loved to run. At the same time this race is to create mental health and suicide prevention awareness. This year funds will be donated to two local organizations that help the community with mental health. 

This race will be held on Sunday, May 19, 2024 at 9 am in Lakeshore Park in Dalton, GA.

Luis Perez loved to run!

What about Luis? Can you tell us a bit about him and who he was? He was clearly very special.

He was, IS A VERY SPECIAL PERSON to all of us. He was a kind hearted and dedicated to running person. He loved to run and travel and try new food. He had an entrepreneurial mindset. He is forever in our hearts until we see him again! 

Most people can't imagine going through the loss of a loved one in this way, let alone organizing an event to bring something positive out of a tragedy. Was there a specific moment that you can recall where your family decided that they were going to do something?  

No, it was actually Raul Flores, Luis’ previous cross country teammate that came up with the idea and we supported the idea. 

I know that the race brings awareness to the mental health and suicide crisis that is currently going on but do the funds raised benefit any specific organization?

This year the funds will go to The Compassion House and CLILA

Is there a way for people to support the mission of Laps for Luis beyond running the race? 

At this point, just donating funds and/or participating in the event and also sharing the event with others.

What about the race itself? When and where is it, and what should runners expect on race day? Is there anything else unique about it? 

This race will be held on Sunday, May 19, 2024 at 9 am in Lakeshore Park in Dalton, GA. There will be prizes for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place finishers both male and female. 

Anything else you would like to share? 

You can also register the day of the race. 

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Meet Direct Primary Care & Associates

As runners we know that exercise is good for our health. We try to eat well (usually!) and get enough sleep as much as is possible. But a lot of time, our effort toward our health ends there. One of the reasons for this is that healthcare feels complicated, expensive, and often out of reach. If this sounds familiar to you, meet our friends at Direct Primary Care & Associates! Not only are they one of our premier sponsors for the Cleveland Half-Marathon, they are an incredible community partner passionate about keeping Cleveland (and Dalton, Athens and Knoxville) healthy. We interviewed Vice President of Business Development, Tim Tatum, about DPCA and how they can help you stay healthy without the usual bank breaking hassle.

Can you tell us a bit about Direct Primary Care and Associates? What is it and who would benefit from your services? 

Direct Primary Care Associates offers a simplified and smarter approach to better health without the stress and limitations of third-party insurance companies. Our membership provides office visits with plenty of one-on-one time with your doctor, allowing you the opportunity to take proactive steps toward a healthier life. We meet you where you are with 24/7 access to your primary care provider via phone, text, email, or video call. DPCA offers same day or next day appointments and have locations in Cleveland, Athens, Dalton, and Knoxville. It’s not insurance – it’s healthcare.

What about yourself? What is your role at Direct Primary Care and how did you get involved? 

I’m Tim Tatum and I am the Vice President of Business Development at DPCA. I have worked in the mental health arena since 1995 and I want to continue to use a collaborative approach to helping people overcome challenges. I left a career of over 25 years in Behavioral Health to start this company with my partners. I am extremely passionate about the service we provide.

What makes Direct Primary Care different from the “traditional model” of primary care?

We build a relationship with you. Visits at DPCA are unrushed and are typically 30-60 minutes. We offer same or next-day appointments and are available via our HIPPA compliant app , you can call, text, or video call 24/7. We meet you where you are. We offer preventative care, chronic disease management, minor in office surgical procedures, care coordination, personalized wellness plans, episodic care, medication refills, and labs.

When a lot of people hear the phrase “primary care” they think about their annual physical. What else does primary care cover? What services do you all offer?

We are proud to offer much more than just your annual physical. We offer women’s health, men’s health, annual lab work, mental health, removal of warts, urinalysis, cholesterol testing, electrocardiogram, and much more! Visit for a full list of our included services.

Do your patients usually still have some form of insurance for emergencies?

We are a great alternative to using your insurance for routine primary care and DPCA is much less than your insurance deductible. Our fee covers only our services, not the cost of visits to specialists or some of the tests we may request. This means that insurance may still be needed for some of the care we may order.

All patients, regardless of insurance status, pay the same monthly membership for our care and receive the same services. No patient is turned away because of insurance, and no one is turned down for pre-existing conditions.

Why should people care about their healthcare beyond emergencies? 

To continue to improve your overall health and wellness. DPCA is focused on wellness which in turn decreases hospital admissions, specialty referrals, and decreases ER visits, therefore, affecting your physical and financial wellness.

How much does being a member cost? 

DPCA is a membership-based fee of $70 per month for individuals aged 18 and older. We also offer family and employer group plans. Approximately 80% of our customers are sponsored though their employer. By keeping a modest rate, we become more cost effective than paying traditional copays and deductibles. Memberships include many routine labs and medications.

How can people learn more?

For more information, please visit or please email

As a physician, do you have any advice for our runners on staying healthy and injury free? 

Before a run, we would recommend that you find great running shoes (from Terra RunningCompany), don’t run if you have any pain, and ice any injuries as needed. After a run, we recommend that you refuel and focus on eating protein and carbohydrates. This will help your muscles recover quickly. Of course, if you have any further questions or concerns, please contact us at

Any final thoughts? 

We are happy to be supporting Terra Running Co and we are thankful for our community that continues to support DPCA. Discover the difference today at DPCA.

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