Do you ever run on vacation? Terra Girls Episode 13
It's summertime and we want to know, do you ever run on your vacation? Tiff and Brittany share some of their tips -- as well as some vaca footage -- for making running a part of your next trip.
What's the deal with triathlons? Terra Girls Episode 12
This week, Tiff chats with Brittany about her latest triathlon, how she prepares, what the different distances are, and how to get started.
Push ups, a new book club selection and running nutrition! Terra Girls Episode 11
Brittany has returned and the Terra Girls are back in the "studio!'" This week they once again attempt push ups, as well as reveal their new Terra Girls Book Club selection, before chatting about running nutrition with the help of the Terra Instagram community.
Surviving without Brittany... Terra Girls Episode 10
Brittany is out of town leaving Tiff to fend for herself in the heat.
Want to see he REAL Terra Running Co.?? Terra Boys Episode 1
Asher and Brennan take over the show and take you behind the scenes.... sort of.
How many push ups can you do?? Terra Girls Episode 8
This week, Brittany and Tiff take an impromptu trip to Walmart on account of a lost dongle before coming back to the studio to introduce their two week push up challenge.
Small Business Person of the Year?? Terra Girls Episode 7
In this special edition of Terra Girls, join the Terra and Cleveland Coffee & Market crew as they head to the Mel Bedwell Small Business Person of the Year award luncheon... SPOILER ALERT, Brittany wins!
We’re (FINALLY) discussing Bravey! Terra Girls Episode 6
Brittany and Tiff are back in the studio (aka store) and FINALLY discussing the book Bravey by Alexi Pappas! They also highlight some upcoming events and remix the Health Check.
We're All About Altra!! Terra Girls Episode 5
Come along with Brittany and Tiff as they take a trip to Chattanooga to meet up with their Altra Rep, Vince, at the Moxy Hotel. Some important questions will be answered like, will Brittany get snacks, what's the new Altra trail shoe look like, and again (and most importantly)... will Brittany get snacks?
Trail Running at Johnston Woods?! Terra Girls Episode 4
This week Brittany and Tiff attempt to host the show while trail running at Johnston Woods. The result is: a) Mildly Informative; b) Hilarious; c) Chaotic; d) Ridiculous; e) All of the Above
*** Answer: e) All of the Above
Tips for Running in the Heat: Terra Girls Episode 3
This week the Terra Girls discuss ways to beat the heat while running and the new Summer Sizzler race series. They also reflect on why Brittany has such a hard time drinking water and share a story about Brennan and sunglasses.
Our Highlights from the Boston Marathon: Terra Girls Episode 2
This week, Brittany and Tiff discuss some of their favorite highlights from the Boston Marathon, as well as some memories (and lessons learned!) from their first marathons. They also introduce their new book club (that they want you to join!) and show some really cute pictures of a golden retriever.
Terra Girls Episode 1
Terra Girls is BACK! Tune in for the first episode of the relaunch and learn the history of Terra Girls, how many miles 10,000 steps equals, Tiff's preferred water temperature and, of course, about some of our favorite shoes!