Begin Again

Have you ever experienced a moment of burnout? Have you ever noticed that the things that you used to like no longer bring you as much joy? Perhaps this has given you the urge to start something new, but you're scared at the thought of being a beginner at something again? Or maybe you simply do not know where to start?! Well, the good news is you are not alone! 

Recently, I experienced a huge moment of burnout, leading me to want to start something new, in my case running. Embarking out into the journey of running looks, sounds, and is a bit frightening, however; it is not too late to begin the journey. 

Over the course of last week, I started this journey with a mile's worth of interval training and making an appearance at our Terra Trot group run to connect with the running community. Even though the start was slow and there were frustrating moments, last week was so much fun! 

In the case of beginning a running journey and not knowing where to start here are some of the tips I have personally found helpful! 

  1. Find a time of day that is most refreshing for you. 

  2. Search for locations where you feel safe and can enjoy the scenery or views. 

  3. If you can, find a community of runners and make new connections. 

  4. Start slow! Even if it feels like you will get nowhere, interval training is a huge help. 

  5. Make a training goal, no matter how small it may be. The goal provides helpful motivation. 

  6. Find a training plan that you can be consistent with. A training plan will give structure while you are new and as a bonus, you will be able to see how far you have come!

And finally, just enjoy the journey and have fun! It may be mentally hard to be a beginner at something again, but you will grow and achieve all of your goals while gaining something new to look forward to. There are so many active and fun hobbies to choose from: hiking, biking, fast walking, roller skating, weight training, swimming, paddling, and running ...  which one will you become a beginner at? 

Update: Since writing this blog post in March, Dara has already completed her first 5k!


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Laps for Luis 5K