Kelli Earhart


Cleveland, TN


High School Librarian

What is your running "origin story?"

A best friend of mine who I do not get to see often, challenged me to do the 10 mile Stump Jump race with her. I was never a "runner" and this seemed crazy to me! But, to get to go on a camping trip and enjoy spending time with her family, I decided it was worth it. I began training, and was hooked!

Best/worst/funniest memory from a race?

Best memories are born out of the racing community. Getting to run with friends and meet new people is my favorite part of a race. Running the Cowpea 5k for my very first ever race is also a great memory. I just remember thinking, I am actually doing this, I am capable!

Why do you choose to represent Terra Running Company as an Ambassador?

Terra is my favorite local business in town. I love the coffee, the atmosphere, and all the amazing events and partnerships they form to make our town great!

What are your favorite 3 items in Terra? 

Altras (any and all), Injinji toe socks, and Terra shirts because they wick better than any I've come across

Favorite place to run/walk/hike in the area? 

I love Johnson Woods the most! Nature, peace, and quiet, right in our Cleveland backyard!

What shoe(s) are you currently running/walking in? 


What advice would you give to someone who is thinking about running or becoming more active? 

Just get out there. Don't be afraid to try new things and to push your body.

People can find you on social media at:

Instagram: @kearhart22

I just remember thinking, I am actually doing this, I am capable!
— Kelli