Tips Brennan Humphreys Tips Brennan Humphreys

The Case for Covering Up

Summer seems like the time to shed layers. East TN humidity will swiftly turn your cotton t-shirt into a wet rag and your shoes into puddles, and any piece of clothing can feel like a greenhouse for your skin. Ditching the layers also prepares you for any sprinklers, pools, or creeks that happen to be along your route: dip and dash, no problem.

But if you pay a little attention to summertime seasonal workers—lawn care, especially—you’ll notice a few things: sun hats, long sleeves, sunglasses, pants, even neck gaiters. In high school, my teammates and I would wear as as little as possible: split shorts for the guys, sports bras and shorts for the girls. I would gawk at the workers out mowing and trimming, assuming they only layered up for protection from grass clippings and stray rocks.

It wasn’t until I started my college summer gig, working for my city’s Parks & Recreation maintenance crew, that I quickly learned the appeal of coverage.

A lightweight, light colored, sweat wicking long sleeve tee will keep you just as cool as a short sleeve tee. Even dark colored shirts will absorb and disperse heat, and they can offer greater SPF protection.

A brimmed cap, sunglasses, and a lightweight gaiter can keep the most sensitive skin on your body shaded. Soak the gaiter in ice water and toss a couple ice cubes in your hat before setting out to give your body more time to adjust to the heat. 

Covering isn’t necessarily a replacement for other protective methods. If you opt for lathering up, look for sport specific sunblocks. They’ll handle sweat better, and often come without some of the extra gunk in regular sunblocks. Best of all, opt for running at times when the sun’s strength is lowest—early morning and late evening. If you have to run midday, look for shaded paths. Summer is a great time to hit the trails, where you’ll stay much cooler. Combine sunblock, shade, and the right gear, and there’s no need for hot and humid weather to keep you from summer miles.

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