Jacob Chapman Jacob Chapman

Maybe Some Days Off

Go one more. There’s no need for rest days. Peak performance requires no rest. No days off.

There’s something about our society nowadays that glorifies relentless exhaustion and constant competition. One is expected to either kill their body or beat their previous performances in order to become “the best version of themself.”

Growing up playing sports, the goal was always to beat the other team, and somehow running became no different, only the other team became the run I had the day before. There was something about me that craved beating yesterday’s performance and initially believed that if I just ran a little faster and a little further, without any days off, that somehow I would become the “ideal runner.”

I was indeed very wrong.

Now there is nothing wrong with wanting to go faster, farther or to push your body to extremes, but perhaps that version of oneself contains rest. The American Council on Exercise (ACE) suggests that athletes who partake in high intensity exercises (which looks different for everyone) should schedule a rest day every seven to ten days, and possibly more frequently depending on the person.

Other studies suggest a phenomenon known as “overtraining syndrome” in which an individual can over train to an extent which could increase body fat, amplify mood disturbances, and increase a higher risk of dehydration.

How do I know my body needs rest? Signs of needed rest can include: general feelings of fatigue, various muscular aches and pains, continued decrease in performance, etc.

So am I just supposed to lay on the couch all day? Well rest looks different for everyone and is considerably harder depending on work, school, kids, etc. but a couple ways to rest well include:

Sleep! Yes, get lots of sleep! Lack of sleep is also somehow glorified in society today, but I promise your body does not enjoy it. Sleep is one of the most essential components of a body which can perform well consistently.

Go on a walk! Active recovery is one of the best ways to care for your muscles. Low-intensity active recovery permits the blood to flow throughout your muscles and tissues allowing for reduced muscle soreness and increases quicker recovery.

Stretch, stretch, stretch! Work on ways to stretch or strengthen your mobility in order to avoid future injuries. Rolling muscles out on a foam roller or using techniques involving a resistance band are great ways to stretch and strengthen your mobility.

Plan! Our weeks get busy from work, school, family, friends, sports, etc. Take time to plan your workouts for the week, as well as scheduling your next recovery day, in order to maximize that week’s goals.

Recovery days should be looked forward to rather than avoided. So yes, maybe it does go against the grain of societal achievements in exhausting one’s body, but perhaps your body doesn’t even care about societal norms. Give your body what it needs! The best athletes are strategic about rest and recovery!

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Tips Brittany Katz Tips Brittany Katz

On the Importance of Rest Days

By Sue Joyner

Rest days. You either love them or you hate them, but rest days are vital to incorporate into training. While the frequency of rest days can vary from person to person based on age, experience, and type of training, they should still be integrated into each person's training to some capacity. Why are rest days so important? 

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  1. Muscles need time to recover  

As we train our bodies are undergoing stress which causes small tears in our muscles. Our bodies need time to repair the damage which is why a rest day is so important. If we aren’t giving our muscles the time off to rebuild and restore, then we just continue to break down already broken down muscle. This will result in a lack of strength gain and a body more susceptible to injury. 

  1. Helps with injury prevention 

Stress fractures are a common injury in running often caused by repetitive force or overuse. This combined with poor nutrition can significantly increase the risk of stress fractures and other injuries. Taking a rest day helps decrease the chance of injuries  because it gives our bones time to repair and rebuild the damage as well as our ligaments, tendons and joints. This will result in stronger bones that will better withstand the high impact of running. 

  1. Our minds need rest too 

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Keeping a consistent running schedule takes time, preparation, dedication, and discipline. While these are healthy habits to instill in our lives, it’s important to schedule time to give our minds a rest. When we prepare a rest day, we can better enjoy the break, allowing our mind to rest or engage in other activities that bring us joy. This helps us better appreciate the days we do train, as well as helps prevent burnout. 

  1. Improves quality of training and performance

Taking time to rest, allowing our bodies to recover, and giving our mind a break, allows us to press restart when we get back to our training. Our bodies will be able to train harder and perform better because we have given our bodies the necessary time to repair and prepare. Try running your next long run on fresh legs. Be intentional with rest before your next race. It’s amazing how much stronger and faster you’ll feel. 

  1. Time for other things 

Running can easily become an addictive sport. Once we race our first race, experience our first ‘runner’s high’, or set a new PR, we often come running back for more. However, this can cause us to neglect other areas of our lives. Family, friends, nutrition, self-care, and rest time are often the first to be neglected. Intentionally scheduling days to rest allow us to give these important parts of our lives more attention and energy. While physical health is extremely important, leading a “Healthy Lifestyle” means we are taking care of our physical, mental, and emotional health. Make time for other things.

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Staff Favorites Brittany Katz Staff Favorites Brittany Katz

Sue’s Favorite Things

By Sue Joyner

Here at Terra Running Company, it’s pretty difficult to find something you don’t like. With such a wide variety of shoes, apparel, and accessories I’m always able to find what I need. While all of our items are sure to please in quality, there are a few items that I simply cannot live without. One item in particular is the Women’s Brooks Chaser 5’’ short. I love these shorts because the waistband fits similarly to a legging, not too tight, but feels secure and comfortable. The material is light, extremely breathable and moisture wicking so you’re sure to have an easy breezy run. In the summertime, I live in these shorts, rotating between several pairs, you'll often find me running, working, kayaking or walking my dog in these amazing shorts. 


Another item I have fallen in love with this year at Terra Running Company is the Brooks running shoe called the Transcend 7. The Transcend 7 is a stability shoe that has guide rails in the midsole to help my foot from pronating, guiding my foot to have a straighter heel-to-toe motion. The cushion is the perfect balance of plushness with a spring back in every step. Working long hours on my feet most days, as well as being a runner, this shoe has saved me from throbbing or aching feet. When these shoes are paired with the snug, breathable Feetures Light Cushion socks, my runs have never been so comfortable!

Finally, one item that has been a consistent life saver and an absolute necessity is my green Trigger Point Grid foam roller! Foam rolling serves as a deep tissue massage for any muscle groups that may be feeling sore or fatigued. By foam rolling, you are loosening up tight muscles and fascia in areas that you require a high demand of activity. This allows the body to respond by reducing trigger points, or knots, in the overworked muscles, as well as speeding up the recovery process. Those who foam roll often, should see an improvement in their body’s range of motion, muscle soreness and flexibility. 

These items have been game changers in regards to my training cycles, and activities of daily living. When I go for a run in my breezy Brooks Chaser 5’’ shorts, plush and springy Transcend 7’s, moisterwicking Light Cushion Feetures, and foam roll afterwards, I feel like my life couldn’t get much better. These have become essential to my running experience and serve me in my daily life. Come see us at Terra Running Company and we would love to introduce you to items you simply can’t live or run without!!!

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