Tips Brittany Katz Tips Brittany Katz

Tips to Keep Running Fun

By Brittany Katz

Let’s be honest: sometimes running can get boring. At the same time each day, you grab your same outfit, same shoes, and jog the same route at roughly the same pace. The weather is generally the same each day, and you find yourself listening to the same playlist. No wonder runners get bored! If you aren’t switching it up, you probably have stopped seeing progress physically as well. Changing up your runs will not only get you excited about working out again, but will help kick start your physical progress. If you’re looking for some fun, interesting ways to change it up on your runs, try these:

1.       Intervals. Intervals are periods of running hard and fast alternating with periods of recovery. You can run the same distance and get a lot harder of a workout in by simply adding intervals! If you want to be more structured with your intervals, set your Garmin to an interval workout. Start with 30 seconds hard / 1 minutes recovery. If you don’t want to mess with technology, just choose landmarks on your run. For example, run hard from the stop sign to the tree, then recover to the driveway up ahead. If possible, keep running during your rest intervals, no matter how slowly. You’ll burn more calories by adding intervals to a run, as well as work those fasttwitch muscles that aren’t used as often during long, slow distance

Check out the trails at Johnston Woods in McDonald, TN.

Check out the trails at Johnston Woods in McDonald, TN.

2.       Change up the route. If you always run out your front door and do the neighborhood clockwise, try it counterclockwise. If you always start at Greenway Park and run the Greenway north, head south instead. If you’ve never done trails, check out Johnston Woods. Changing up your route will get you out of your routine and change the elevation and scenery.

3.       Time vs. Distance. If you usually run for time (for example, 30 minutes, or 1 hour) try to run for distance and forget your pace. If you usually run for distance (We see you jogging around the parking lot to get 3 miles exactly!) forget the distance and just run for time! This will challenge you to listen to your body more than your watch.

4.       Don’t run. Wait, I thought this was advice for keeping running fun? It is! If it’s becoming a drag to force yourself out the door to run, take a cue from your body and don’t push it. Change up your workout. Walk the dog, do a yoga video, lift weights, or spend time stretching. We all need a break, and running shouldn’t become a chore. Take a few days off and you’ll probably be itching to get out and run again in no time!

Sick of running? Don’t force it! Try something different, like yoga.

Sick of running? Don’t force it! Try something different, like yoga.

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Staff Favorites Brittany Katz Staff Favorites Brittany Katz

Brittany's Favorite Things

By Brittany Katz

Terra Running Company is basically a curated store of all of my favorite things! As the buyer for footwear, apparel, and all of our accessories, I get to stock up on all the running gear I think is the best of the best! That being said, I do have some favorites of my favorites I’d love to share with you.

The Brooks Bedlam 3 is beautiful and functional. My fav!

The Brooks Bedlam 3 is beautiful and functional. My fav!

1.  Brooks Bedlam 3: This is my go-to running shoe and has been for a few years. I love the DNA Amp midsole, which is a bit firmer but returns the energy back up to my legs as I run on hard road surfaces. I am obsessed with the knit upper that fits like a sock and it so stylish. It never moves, which is fabulous because nothing is worse than stopping mid-run to fix the tongue on your shoe.

2.       Garmin Forerunner 245 Music: Garmin makes the best GPS watches, hands down. The GPS is accurate, the heart rate is always recording and you can watch it live, and the durability is second to none. My current favorite model is the Forerunner 245 Music, which is sporty, not too big for my tiny wrist, and holds up to 500 song files on the watch. I download workout playlists from Spotify right onto my watch and pair it with my Bluetooth headphones, and I’m able to head right out the door without my phone. I love switching the bands from pink silicone for running to brown leather when I dress up.


3.       Pro Hair Ties: Me and Sue discovered these hair ties at a running trade show last year, and we were hooked! They’re the only hair ties I use now, even when I’m not running. We have lots of colors to match any outfit, and they look like a bracelet when on your wrist. There is a small plastic hook that you undo to take the hair tie out without having to yank out your hair. It’s brilliant, and makes me wonder every day why I didn’t invent these myself!

4.       Stroopwaffles: These waffles are made by Gu, so they have all the properties of running nutrition, but they’re also so tasty I eat one with my morning coffee. If you can’t force down a gel on your run, or need a quick snack after work and before your run, Gu’s Stroopwaffles are the way to go. My favorite flavor is Smores.

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