Daylight Savings Tips for Running Safely

By Sue Joyner


The sun is taking longer to rise and our evenings are cut shorter everyday by the early setting sun. Daylight savings is just around the corner, and we all know what that meansโ€ฆ the dark days are upon us. Do not fear! Here at Terra Running Company, we offer several different products that will allow you to run at all hours of the day and provide safety while doing so! 

  1. Nathan Strobelight

    These are lights that attach to your shirt or shorts that allow cars or other runners/walkers to see you while you are running. These lights are small in size, but have two different modes so you can choose to have it flash or shine bright while you run. 

  2. Nathan Streak and Vibe Vest

    These are two different types of vests you can wear over your shirt that are bright and reflective. The biggest difference between the two is that the vibe is less fabric than the streak. 

  3. Nathan Lightspur 

    These are reflective devices that clip to the heel of your shoe and light up so that you can be seen running down the street. 

  4. Reflective Flipbelt  

    Flip belts are an awesome accessory that will enhance your running experience greatly! Flip Belts sit on your hips and fit similarly to a legging waistband, but they have slots all around the belt that allows you to store items like your phone, keys or nutrition while running. The most recent flip belts have a reflective element included on the fabric, so when light shines on it youโ€™re sure to be spotted. 

  5. Sabre Pepper spray 

    If running in the dark causes any uncertainty try carrying one of our runner friendly pepper spray. These pepper sprays have a quick release that allows you to act quickly in the event you may need it!

Come into Terra Running to explore more options that we have when it comes to reflective wear and accessories!!


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