Terra Running Company

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Running with your dog

If you're needing some motivation to get you out the door to run, running with a friend is always helpful. I have found that running with my new furry friend has been a great way for us to bond! I adopted Radar from the SPCA of Bradley County in the summer and we have enjoyed learning to run together over the past few weeks. 

Exercise is so important for dogs, especially young ones! Running with your dog is a great way to bond and share a hobby together. I also love running with Radar because it gets me out of my own head; I try to be very aware of our surroundings and Radar's condition while running so I am less worried about my own aches and pains.

We use a Stunt Puppy Stunt Runner leash, which attaches to my waist and his harness. I feel very secure running with the Stunt Runner; its super high quality with tough clasps and strong stitching. Even though Radar is 60 lbs and very strong, I know I'll be able to keep him under my control with the Stunt Runner leash. According to Stunt Puppy, the flexible bungee on the Stunt Runner stretches from 35” to 51” in order to absorb slight variations in stride without pulling you and disrupting your run, unlike a regular leash. 

The American Kennel Club says to be sure your dog is close to or completely done growing before getting them out on longer runs. Additionally, be sure your dog has the right personality for a run. If they sit or drag you to slow down, listen to them. Not all dogs are interested in being runners, and that's ok!

The American Kennel Club also recommends starting with loose leash walking and adding in short intervals of running with your dog, which is similar to how I recommend new running humans build up endurance. The first time I ran with Radar, he kept looking to me for cues. He was curious if we were running away from something or if I was scared. It was adorable because he is very eager to please, but I just kept reassuring him this was fun and we were just out running together for the joy of it.

I would also recommend not starting your dog running during the heat of the summer. Listen to your dog's cues, like excessive panting and wanting to lay down. Every time I run with Radar, I think of it as "his" run, not mine. If he wants to go slow or walk, I won't force him to run beyond his comfort. 

Check out our reel learning to run together at Instagram.com/TerraRunning and learn more about Stunt Puppy (available for purchase at Terra Running Company) and get answers to frequently asked questions about running with your dog here: https://www.stuntpuppy.com/pages/running-faq. And look for me and Radar running on a Greenway near you!