Terra Running Company

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Try a tri

Since 2021, I have been dabbling in the sport of triathlon. I have been a runner since I was in high school and have completed over 40 half marathons and 5 marathons, but I found myself getting tired of running. After years in the sport, it's easy to get into the habit of comparing time and fitness levels to yourself from fitter or faster phases of life. I liked the idea of trying new sports and being active without running the same routes over and over again.

I had a road bike from a decade ago. I pumped up the tires, dusted off my helmet and took it on the roads of south Bradley County. I was hooked! Anyone who has gotten into cycling knows there are endless accessories and gadgets to make the sport more interesting and fun. I enjoyed trying new cycling shorts, figuring out which of my sunglasses I preferred riding in, and getting my clip pedals and shoes out of the closet. Cycling is more time consuming than running and requires a little more planning. I usually drive to a location along the route of rural roads I like to ride and have to bring all my bike bottles, nutrition, helmet, bike pump, etc. I do like that it doesn't pound your legs quite like running does. It is also easier to do in the heat of the summer because the speed provides some cooling winds.

Like cycling, I had experience swimming but hadn't been in a pool to swim laps in years. I joined the Y and started swimming as much as I felt like I could. At the beginning, I didnt have a great sense of how hard I was working so I would find myself stopping after a few lengths to "catch my breath." When I realized I was just getting used to breathing in a rhythm, I was able to push past the few lengths and swim for longer and longer without stopping. The YMCA indoor pool is a great local resource for anyone looking to get into swimming. You can lap swim at most times of day. If you want to try open water swimming, check out Parksville Beach or the day use area at the Chickamauga Dam in Chattanooga. Always swim with a buddy and use a booey strapped to your waist so boaters can see you. Getting over my fear of "things" touching me while open water swimming has been one of the most fun parts about discovering triathlon. I love being outside in the summer, so open water swimming has been a really fun new hobby of mine.

I have done the Waterfront Triathlon in Chattanooga three times. There are two distances in that race: an Olympic (1.5k swim, 40k bike, 6mi run) and a Sprint (400m swim, 20k bike, 5k run). This is a great beginner-friendly local race that I would highly recommend. After feeling confident after my first Olympic distance triathlon at the Chattanooga Waterfront Tri, I signed up for Ironman 70.3 in August, GA in 2021. I really pushed myself to bike and run more than I ever had in training. It was a big challenge and I really enjoyed the accomplishment! I am going back to do it again next month, September 2023.

As much as I have loved trying new sports and challenging myself in new ways, I have missed the grind of running more miles each week. I have had to cut back on my running miles to keep my legs fresh enough to cycle three times a week for triathlon training. After this half Ironman in September, I am looking forward to getting back to my first love: running.